Course Content
Spotting Opportunity
Hello! Welcome to your journey of Spotting New Opportunities! We're thrilled to have you embark on this exciting adventure. Here’s a secret: Opportunities are everywhere. They’re hidden in everyday challenges, waiting for a keen eye and an innovative mind like yours to discover them. Whether it’s a minor inconvenience or a significant problem, each holds the potential to spark an idea that could change the world. Embrace the Abundance of Opportunities In this course, you’ll learn that opportunities aren’t handed to us on a silver platter. Instead, they often come disguised as problems or frustrations. The key is to shift your perspective and see these challenges as the sparks of innovation. Remember, no idea comes fully formed. It starts as a tiny spark and requires your attention and nurturing to grow into something incredible. What You Will Learn Throughout this course, you will: • Understand how to identify opportunities within your environment. • Learn techniques for spotting weaknesses in industries, products, and services. • Explore the importance of transforming these weaknesses into innovative solutions. • Conduct basic market research to ensure your idea’s viability. • Apply brainstorming techniques to develop your ideas further. • Validate your ideas through practical exercises and real-world examples. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with the skills to see challenges not as obstacles but as opportunities waiting to be seized. Simple Navigation Navigating this course is simple. Just follow these steps: 1. Tasks in Sequence: Complete each task in the order provided. 2. Watch the Video: Gain insights and inspiration from our selected video content. 3. Review the Presentation File: Dive into detailed content and examples. 4. Complete the Assignments: Apply what you’ve learned through practical exercises. We hope that by the end of this course, you’ll be able to see daily challenges as opportunities for innovation and growth. So, let’s dive in and start spotting the opportunities all around us. Stay curious, stay bold, and most importantly, keep creating.
DE- Bedeutung von Selbstwirksamkeit und Selbstbewusstsein für Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer
EntreHubs – Developing Entrepreneurship Competences
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Group Assignment: Rapid Doughnut Mapping

Provide below your full names of your Group Members:


Identify Impacts of your business idea according to the Doughnut Scheme. That means for every Doughnut Dimension (i.e air pollution or food see Picture below) at least one Aspect.

For that you have to fill the table on the next page:

1) identify the positive ways in your business idea you chose can help humanity move towards living in the Doughnut.

2) Identify negative ways your business idea contributes to social pressure and ecological pressure.

3) identify where the negative ways create risk or impacts for your business

4) Sources (web articles, etc.)

The Last question is about spotting opportunities through the Doughnut


As an Example:

Source: Doughnut Design for Business – Core Tool | DEAL (

You could use the example in the picture above as a guide, although you will need to be more specific about how your business idea has a positive or negative impact. You can do this by searching the web for articles that support your claim.

Fill the table (if the space is not enough you can create another word document with “landscape” Layout and copy paste the table there):



1. Positive


3. Risks or Impacts

4. Sources (if available)







Climate Change





Ocean Acidification





Chemical pollution





Excessive fertilization





Freshwater withdrawals





Land conversion





Biodiversity loss





Air pollution





Ozone layer depletion






Social Foundation

1. Positive


3. Risks or Impacts

4. Sources (if available)
















Income & Work





Peace & Justice





Political Voice





Social Equity





Gender Equality



























Final Question: Mention two or three opportunities that that came up on your business idea while looking at it now through the Doughnut Economy Lens.





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