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2. Assignment: Reflection on the relationship between planetary boundaries and Business
Question 1: Given what we know about planetary boundaries and consumption from the Global Resource Report, what ethical issues can arise for an aspiring entrepreneur? Is every product justified just because there is a demand for it?
! Proceed with Question 2. After watching Video 3 & 4!
Question 2. Question 2. Look at your first assignment where you answered about the values and goals of the business. What has changed? Would you answer the question the same way?
These are open answer questions, think about freely, there is no wrong answer in this particular assignment as long there is a reasoning behind it and you use the knowledge you gained from the session. (Use Font size 12, Line spacing 1.15, your answer should be minimum half a page long maximum one page long for each question)
Hint: Imagine you must explain this to some friend of family member that is not so familiar with planetary boundaries and business. What kind of story would you tell them, what kind of argument would you use?
After writing down the answer upload your document preferably as pdf. If it is not possible you can upload also the word document